Saturday, July 5, 2008

Migratory Animals

From the Irish pub to her bed
we took a quantum leap
quite unled,
while all along the watchtower
astonished poets scouted
unmapped lands fertile and teem\
ing with layers of meaning,
unlike the unsaid words stuck
in my head
writ with invisible ink
by a metaphorical pen.

Amphibian transformation
takes a bold jump
through fear’s fires
and the loss of sweet clarity
for innovation’s bloody birth
on the mattress of relinquishment.

Levels of being, distinct domains
multiple and murky,
are slowly integrated
as one webbed foot
soggy with seawater senses the other
coated with earth’s sacred dirt
like cinnamon sprinkled
on a warm snickerdoodle.

Wondering aloud from watchtower’s heights,
can true leaping transpire
and historic dusty structures
(some perhaps outmoded)
gently exhale, expire
before steps strong can be taken
by complex creatures so shaken
to be reborn recreated
ablazing earthward and higher
in life’s amazing orange fire?

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