Tuesday, July 29, 2008

‘Ah, a Wish….Perchance to Doze’

I wish, I thought
to myself quite awake,
unrequited in rest
as a raucous rooster
or long distance
driver of trucks,
on the cliff edge
of an early clear morn,
that I could slumber
and linger in bed
like someone else I do know
(and love I’ll add for truth’s sake).

She, the heretofore unnamed,
lazes and wiles away these seconds,
a tender sweet dumpling a’doze
within cirrus clouds
of soft cozy sheets,
while I instead sip
strong coffee with cream,
sit straight on the couch
and write of calm’s
deep sea
which eludes me,
this precious sweet sleep
I long for so much,
and in this yearning,
do seek.

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