Monday, July 27, 2015

Into The Cave Of Self

slowly, methodically,
deliberately down

into the cave’s murky darkness,
I feel the quiet air start to stutter
as hordes of crazed bats rise up
in wild flutter inside the belly
of this unnamed gloom. Moist
air lays heavy on my goosefleshed
skin, coats my panicked thoughts
like rancid butter smeared
on crusts of moldy bread. My
useless eyes can’t see a thing
as deeper I drop through what seems
a massive suite of empty rooms.
Then, like an infant new to crawling,
I leap openheartedly towards an audacious
unplanned falling as this spaciousness

and welcome something real
and watery,
something yet unseen.
Ahhh….the wordless restive callings,
this infinitude of yearning within
our pioneering souls!

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