Tuesday, June 15, 2021

dawn's sky

gray stained

light soaked

crow cawed

whole body


a single ear

hears day


stretching her golden


into such haphazard


Monday, June 14, 2021

 Warming This Place

The hearth of the home—

the core of its being

and thrust

of its mysterious 


is the human heart

vibrant and tender,

     often shy

       yet still


without restraint 

to the human and 

more-than-human hearts

all around, these trees

stones animals grasses 

people and clouds,

while full-circling

like a wobbly child 

on her first bike

rounding the block,

bravely learning 

to receive the gift

of kindness 

as Dad’s proud grin

holds her steady softly

from 30 feet behind

even as strong 

calloused hands 

that guided

have let go. 

Friday, June 4, 2021


Last night’s dream,
Yet remember this story,
This visitor from the darkness,
I cannot..
These dreams slip
Through my preoccupied mind
Like so much smoke
From a chimney and yet
In their loyalty, these scintillas
Of sudden generosity
Have never forgotten
Me. Does the blossom
Not recall the hummingbird,
The wild bunny deny
This gift of fresh lettuce,
The grandfather act as if
He did not delight
At granddaughter’s giggle??
Why am I nothing
But an old man, lazy
And self-centered,
Beset by such defects
Of memory
Towards these amazing
Offerings from Creation’s
Pulsing Heart?