Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Can't Stop

Even though

there is a hell-on-earth

war happening in Ukraine

with the deaths of countless

innocents, darkness

and destruction,

the threat of a record

fourth year of drought

scorching East Africa,

the far too many

politicians in this country

who continue their hideous

lies, putting their clutch

on power before the republic's

well-being, I can't stop

looking at the rose

unfurled on the black table

like a thousand crimson


this Sunday morning

as its shielding warmth

quietly bathes

the small green Buddha

who greets dawn's

emerging light

with such composure,

grace and peace,

such belonging,

each and every day....

Friday, April 15, 2022

   Make Friends

Make friends with what’s inside you,

with what surrounds

and confounds you.

The delight with this salacious

orange and the way

its sweetness nectars

down your tingling chin. 

This savoring of friendships, old, 

new and in-between, rich conversation

meandering blossoming something

 new on a coffeehouse deck. 

 That longing for first hand 

 knowledge of what some call the divine,

 others the inexplicable-mysterious-

 terrible-beautiful-bewildering- mundane.

 Those huge wind turbines

 peppered along a desert highway,

 rotating behemoths in nowhere’s

 middle, gathering boatloads

 of air while scraping endless sky

 to create a humbler energy,

 kinder, less disruptive to the planet.

 The younger elements within you,

 often exploring and exuberant,

 sometimes wobbly, unsure

 if they’re up to the task at hand.

 These angers, those sorrows, 

 happy surprises, celebrations,

 let-downs and losses, jumping 

 off roofs, tossing snowballs

 at cars and running for dear life,

 all kinds of mischief

 with pals. This smiling inside 

 where a hidden cellist

 plucks his beautiful strings

 and music surely is king.

 Dreaming, the kind that happens

 in night's half-buried huddle 

 and usually dissolves 

 like smoke upon waking,

 leaving you muddled,

 gulping your coffee.

 Yes. Make friends with it all.




Remembering To Live/The Art of Gladness                             

Let's lakeside rendezvous,

someone else can

milk the cows, pay

rent, wake

the kids, fret

about the next

pandemic. We'll

wear orange sweatshirts

with our favorite old boots,

drink coffee with cream

'til noon and skip

stones like kisses

stolen smooth as butter

across the cheek

of the vast

patient lake.