Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Three Thousand Five Hundred and Two (2018)*

rain in darkness shifts
and shimmers

the faintest child’s voice
her final cry for help,

a mere glimmer.

(stop this we ought,
yet have not)

now dazed by days of rain
and news that shoots

and downpours
where we’ve gathered

to weep,
to rage,
to scream,

ask why again
this pain

while Congress prays, delays,
denies and blathers.

we bow our heads in shame
as we should,

blurred eyes cast where grief
under mud hides buried 

inside false beliefs of impotence

as numbly, we shiver awake
to more clearly see

in depths of darkness lives
a flame for all to warm beside.

Together we must protect,
speak out, sustain

and tend this light
so that children’s

safety becoming fact

is finally in truth

*The approximate number of children ages 6-18 killed 
by firearms in the US in 2018

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