Thursday, March 7, 2019

       Paradigm Lift                                                                                                                              

I prefer, instead of that afterlife
Idea espoused by some if not many,
or the equally believed article of faith
In a murky nothingness, to imagine
A very big room about the girth of Nebraska
That’s filled with the living, the dead
And the not-yet-born. This motley trinity
Sweetly shuffling together in stocking feet,
Sometimes raucously, at others' silently
Across a shimmering vast dance floor.
They’re telling corny jokes, laughing
And mostly beaming, feeling lighter
Having forgotten hurts and wrongs now past
Or those let-downs certain one day to transpire.
Even wallflowers blossom here.
Smells of freesia and alyssum swirl
With tendrils of night-blooming jasmine
Kissing pregnant air; my lips can feel
Babies kicking. When I’m quiet 
I hear their breathing softly wafting
As they spin and sashay round and round
Without perspiring to lift each other up
In tender spirals high and higher—
Beloved past, bright-eyed future
All embraced by those now present.
And everyone is gleaming….

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