Friday, October 17, 2014

'Wholly Communion'

( I complete, euphoric, in you forest )

Now, we breathe deep this green forest.

Oh, how this thick sweet forest
Does breathe us,


Monday, October 6, 2014


When Heidi dances,
the space she fills

glows with sparkling

scintillas of spindrift
grace the room

and refresh all
who witness

such joy, herself,


an ocean wave
born in love
and beauty,

she flows with ease,
a relaxing sea breeze,

this carefree woman
of purely loving

Saturday, September 20, 2014

First Coffee

‘Two dark coffees with cream please’, I ordered at Gelato Vero coffeehouse
after staggering in that chilly early morning in mid-December many years ago.

My daughter born just hours before in the hospital up the hill. She’s so pink
and luminous underneath that little longshoreman’s knit cap and I can’t help

but smile thinking of her birth as I write this down now. I recall the young
barista pouring our coffees, one for me the other for my wife whom I left

dozing, recovering, after the birth and three or four days of sharp back pain,
that hard labor a man can never know. She introduced herself as ‘Helen’

while she poured the coffees—this gave me goosebumps then – Helen my
three hour old daughter Keighty’s middle name and my great Aunt Helen

her maverick, mischief making, story-telling, psychic namesake who loved
to feed the black crows table scraps after dinner on her Wisconsin farm

and to spin outlandish yarns about the too earnest Lutheran minister and
his lofty sermons down in the village church.

Oh my dear daughter, Keighty Helen, can you see how I glow as my grin
devours the distance between us these two plus decades later, now that we’ve

come full circle, and sit here in the morning light, together contentedly, quietly
familiar, sharing these two round and true, steaming cups of such dark rich coffee.

Sunday, September 14, 2014


On this Sunday morning

may you bask in the warm

comforting arms of life,


enfolded thus, you are

emboldened in speech

and in your reach,


out beyond the crumbling

stuccoed walls and two

storied suburban homes


to where the grand lake

lies blue, fertile and fresh,

where silver geckos scurry


and laze on smooth boulders

and fish swim this fall day

away in secret peccadillos,


while above, fishermen languish

underneath a wide cerulean sky,


sit so quietly here, they could

not care less about a catch,


they know like the fish

and the lizards

and these clouds


drifting free in such



where they want to

be caught.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Map is Not the Territory, Nor the Moon the Marriage

Be leary of theory,
Love dogs, not dogma.

Trust the quiescent
Radiant moon
And the way

Its luminous crescent
Shimmers alive

The awakening stream
Of your life.

(And if fortune has deemed
that you have one, shine all
your warm love with such

joy and much play
onto the flesh
and soul

of your one
and only,
your most

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

on the occasion of the full moon in Pisces on my mother's birthday

La Luna Lingers,

Watches Over
All Like A She-

Wolf With Her
Cubs Or A White

Rose Soon To

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, Late Summer
Back and shoulders bask, tan
and swim in glad sun’s warming
oven. Backyard sizzles late morning
in August heat wave. This spindrift
blazes and bursts, shoots hot scintillas
above thirsty red rosebush high into

summer's cerulean sky.

Monday, August 25, 2014


Would you ever just
Jump ship? Step off
This aircraft carrier,

Gun-metal gray, big
As a small planet,

So precise and on
Top of it all

And with the endless
Possibilities of mother
Ocean arising beneath

Your fearful body, fall
Into unarmored space
Towards your deeper

Destiny and one small
Tattered and scattered,
Uncertain sailboat?

I would. I have kissed this
Empty air feet-first,
Taken one crazy plunge

Down into the salty, wet
Lips, the seductive chaos
Of life herself.

Meet me here

    if you will.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Saturday Walk at Dusk

Trail crunches
Sky darkens
Breezes soothe,
whisper softly.
Headlights shine
brightly down
One quiet

Thursday, August 21, 2014

'Nothing Less'

Can you, will you, step
out of this incessant


and hear now
the simmering

murmur of silence

awakening within
the great Silence?

The shy meadow
and limber, grazing
fawn of early Autumn

nestle deep inside
the tangled bracken
and golden forest.

They patiently await
your full unfurling
here, want nothing

less than your blazing,
broken, wholehearted

Saturday, August 16, 2014

'Family Picnic'

She threw out her famous one-liner
at the Elks' picnic last August:

"my father's mother is my sister's
brother and don't you say 'nothing
'bout it!"

We quickly asked for seconds
of the too-mayonnaisy lukewarm

potato salad, clutched our recycled
plastic forks and looked down
at cheap watches through dew-like beads

of sweat and the grandkids' cries
like blazing sirens or raucous biting
ants storming across acres of brown grass.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


'Bowl'  (thanks to my fellow contemplatives in the Monday night group at the Mission)

I am a chipped and faded pottery bowl
ready to receive a handful of walnuts
from the stocky white frig or perhaps
the day old microwaved burrito smothered
in hot sauce. You on the other hand

are a silky blonde, smooth skinned beauty
queen sadly lacking a slick centerfold
in that miracle of a magazine I discovered
the summer after eighth grade when I could

feel myself grow every day. Sleep was my
favorite food then, as was all food my food.
Inches were added by Fall when high school
began and it was almost disgusting to sense
these changes in viscera, bone and muscle.

To be and become those changes so outside
my control.

Now my back aches every morning after trying
stupidly to add sprinting to the running workouts,
I hobble for morning coffee and lean in tired
towards an unsubtle brokenness, I am in need

of a tow truck more days than not, and the Subaru's
lights weirdly have a life of their own and stay on
all night unless the battery is unplugged, but Triple A
says, Premier membership or not, I've worn out my

welcome and gratitude has undeniably taken over
my life like the jagged uneven edge of the brown
bowl quiet before me.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

wandering thru woods

when have you
felt in your eager
pink ears,

the softest leaf
of whispering

Friday, August 1, 2014

'tis pleasing

‘tis pleasing

to close
one’s eyes


resting slow
and easy,


(some days

in a lazy

of the mind.


did I say the time we wrote a song together in the old green ’51 Chevy driving down to
San Francisco? dad actually grinning at the wheel and I the big boy riding co-pilot
with great maps spread across my happy lap, the day unfolding like a fan of peacock
feathers through the bug stained windshield, leaving Portland at 3 or 4 in the morning

because we all were too excited to sleep and so let's pile in the car and head south
through the dark night and the many miles into the magical beautiful arching city
and the Golden Gate---

Oh! the Golden Gate, you orange sun emerging strong and sudden from bluest sky
over infinite waters! and our chorus of song belting out ‘California Here We Come’
crossing the great bridge which seemed to represent happiness or a kind of freedom
not known at home—

and smiles, there were true smiles and laughter spontaneous like a fountain bursting
from us then in the packed car. yes we had these family vacation times when the
screaming and god-awful tensions of sad desultory lamentations at home dissipated

for a blessed week or two at a blessed time and I looked at him soft and breathed in my
father's face and being, then even his eyes were soft too, he was a good and safe man
for this while who loved me and his life, which was not always the case back north

in the grim unforgiving rain and the day to day of worry and wear and shoes left out on
living room floors by seven year old ungrateful bastards, this may tell why I shall always
love the city of steep hills on the bay with its Chinatown, beatnik bookstores, Italian

coffeehouses and romantic cable cars pulling us higher and higher towards a slice of
heaven where ease and joy and even singing at the table over pasta and bread with real
butter in the comforting smooth wooden booths of North Beach prevail without threat of
punishment or shame.

Halfway Up the Canyon (October 1977)

The stranger and I sit in haunting stillness.
We are weary and alert here, held within
the immense womb of the Grand Canyon.

Today we hiked halfway up from the river at
its bottom where I’d camped after a long day
of hot steep descent on the South Kaibab trail.

Now, as the vastness beneath begins to transform
in the purplish inky light of deepening dusk,
an immense explosion bursts through this quiet

from high above us and echoes through miles
of empty space to pierce the early evening.

Two male bighorn sheep face to face on the narrow
cliff crash their essential weapons, curved horns
of thick animal bone like great warrior-gods

fighting for their lives and for a beguiling goddess
as she awaits the bloodied victor in a nearby cave.

Astonished and entranced we reverently welcome
this miracle of the wild, when suddenly a wind
crashes down these majestic cliffs onto our amazed

and weary bodies, blows off the stranger’s wide
brimmed hat, and sends it fast and far into the
darkening night towards the canyon’s endless

open arms where our unseen futures, hidden
in plain sight, silently await with wryly gracious
knowing smiles.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

I AM,satisfied


rain falls
on roofs

I am sure,

traffic moves
and purrs

down the
nearby street.

war rages
in too many
places now,

burns children
and old men,

even crashes
into hospitals,

seems never-ending.

Still, sitting
here alone

on a brown sofa

in morning light--


'tis pleasing

'tis pleasing
 to close

one's eyes
often, resting

in a lazy

of the mind.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

'Re-membering A Return'

Ocean shimmers out

beyond the buoys.

Daylight bends back
towards tomorrow.
Maybe rain will really fall
here one day in this town
of deserts and shoppers
blinded by the unrelenting
and then you might
return with a bracelet
of opulent green jade
on your right wrist
and a basket
of surprise,
wet and spiced
on your tan
pungent back.
Then the ocean’s shimmering
will make sense again. Then hope
shall rise like a dancer drunk
from joy and sparkling wine,
her red dress glowing hot
at a raucous gypsy wedding.
And the New Orleans' funeral marchers
swagger single file down Bourbon Street
towards the broad muddy river
on a bright day glimmering;
they grin together in wondrous
cacophony with father death,
they are soaked in salt
and swelter.
Their music has never been
so plaintive,

so like a human animal,

Tuesday, July 8, 2014



He stole the angular tan rock

shaped like a miniature Alamo

from the nearby mountain.


It languishes, this kind

patriarch, with arms

that spread  above

the surprising lake


in this parched and thirsty

micro-climate close to

the Mexican border.


Transports it to his suburban home

in the aging green Subaru Forester,

plunks it outside in the dirt


of the narrow rectangular back yard

where it now shares morning’s gold

gleam and glint of sunlight


 with the blue, red and seafoam

fading seahorse painting,


 a true fish out of water,


this his signature work, his pride and joy

pilfered straight from his happiest dream


of a shared picnic table, cerulean skies,

greenest grass and flying ocean creatures

more than twenty years’ ago.


He awakened, wrapped

in pure laughter, the dream


and he thick as blundering

thieves, that fine bright day.


Yes, plunder does have

its own rewards.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Halfway Up the Canyon (October 1977)

The stranger and I sit in

a haunting stillness. We


are weary and alert here,


held within the immense

womb of the Grand Canyon.


Today I hiked halfway up

from the river at its bottom


where I camped last night

after a long day of hot

steep descent.


In the spreading purplish

inky light of dusk


from high above us,

immense explosions


burst through this quiet,

and echo through miles


of empty space to pierce

the early evening.


Two male bighorn sheep

face to face on the narrow


cliff crash their essential

weapons, curving horns


of thick animal bone

into one another,



great gods fighting for life

and the beguiling goddess


as she awaits the victor

in a nearby cave.


Astonished and entranced

we reverently welcome

such a miracle of the wild


when suddenly a wind

from nowhere crashes


down these majestic cliffs

onto our amazed and

weary bodies,


blows off the stranger’s

wide brimmed hat,


and sends it fast and far

into the darkening night


and the canyon’s open-

armed endlessness,


where our unseen futures,

hidden in plain sight,


await with wryly gracious,

knowing smiles.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Runner's Song

Feet plod and pound
the hot gravel trail,
streams of sweat drip
down my face,
breath deepens to keep
up an unforgiving pace,
as thoughts  of quitting
pierce and slow my mind.
One step after another
keeps me moving steady
through the thick, awful
heat. Tired and weak I stay
quite present with cheerful
grins chosen at the ready,
in quiet thanks to myself
immersed in this heady
joy of running, once again
I’ve outraced such tempting
limits, to now rest easy
as I transcend defeat.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

‘Deep Within’

Deep within the bleakest blackest night
I stir awake, dazed from murky slumber
in my lonely bed, hours before the warming
orange of sunrise through the eastern window,
and then as eyes slowly clear from dreamtime’s
gauzy world, I gaze upon you my shadow self
standing tall and sure, you shine and smile  
in the open doorway, beckoning me to trust
this new, unknown frontier, from whence
you have arrived.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

'An Argument for Silence'


Could it be that the most truly
vital parts of life cannot be put

into words rightly?


Neither writing nor talk,

no matter how eloquent
or poetic might not be
adequate to the task.


That waterfall up ahead through

the tall pungent pines in all its

sprawl and plunging froth, its


strident wild roar, nature's
wet and freshest dancer, is

not the waterfall itself.

Ask it who it is.
Listen for the answer.

The finger pointing at the moon

is not the crescent moon, nor
the precious single finger,

and that’s the point,

or is it?

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Yesterday, I trimmed the bushes
in my front yard. They’d grown
gangly, odd angled,
and yes, a bit forlorn.
Today, I look out the window,
pleased by their newfound
shapeliness, this green easy
growth, the way their
leafiness greets
the morning sun and I
thank myself
for doing so.
Now, I type these few words
onto a blank reflecting screen,
wondering back and forth,
tomorrow, who knows,
(do you?)
what might
or not,


Tired feet meet solid
rock-strewn ground,


thick shrubs obscure

blue sky,

rhythmic breath carries
you slow





a map-less path beckons ahead.