Tuesday, August 12, 2014


'Bowl'  (thanks to my fellow contemplatives in the Monday night group at the Mission)

I am a chipped and faded pottery bowl
ready to receive a handful of walnuts
from the stocky white frig or perhaps
the day old microwaved burrito smothered
in hot sauce. You on the other hand

are a silky blonde, smooth skinned beauty
queen sadly lacking a slick centerfold
in that miracle of a magazine I discovered
the summer after eighth grade when I could

feel myself grow every day. Sleep was my
favorite food then, as was all food my food.
Inches were added by Fall when high school
began and it was almost disgusting to sense
these changes in viscera, bone and muscle.

To be and become those changes so outside
my control.

Now my back aches every morning after trying
stupidly to add sprinting to the running workouts,
I hobble for morning coffee and lean in tired
towards an unsubtle brokenness, I am in need

of a tow truck more days than not, and the Subaru's
lights weirdly have a life of their own and stay on
all night unless the battery is unplugged, but Triple A
says, Premier membership or not, I've worn out my

welcome and gratitude has undeniably taken over
my life like the jagged uneven edge of the brown
bowl quiet before me.

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