Tuesday, July 15, 2014

'Re-membering A Return'

Ocean shimmers out

beyond the buoys.

Daylight bends back
towards tomorrow.
Maybe rain will really fall
here one day in this town
of deserts and shoppers
blinded by the unrelenting
and then you might
return with a bracelet
of opulent green jade
on your right wrist
and a basket
of surprise,
wet and spiced
on your tan
pungent back.
Then the ocean’s shimmering
will make sense again. Then hope
shall rise like a dancer drunk
from joy and sparkling wine,
her red dress glowing hot
at a raucous gypsy wedding.
And the New Orleans' funeral marchers
swagger single file down Bourbon Street
towards the broad muddy river
on a bright day glimmering;
they grin together in wondrous
cacophony with father death,
they are soaked in salt
and swelter.
Their music has never been
so plaintive,

so like a human animal,

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