Monday, December 7, 2009

While watching a mediocre scary movie on Netlix...

….the neighbor girl rumbles and groans through a thin wall

of semi-separation seeking sleep or a quick orgasm, while

a train miles away moans on and on and on,

it trumpets its solipsistic energies like a lonely virgin or shaggy

bleating mountain goat, lost and wandering in the rain flooded

formidable night, this day was made only of water and now in

darkness all roads are impassable, pavement became streams,

each road a flowing avenue of real wet dreams and my neighbor girl,

no strumpet tonight, finds sleep and sex sadly impossible, she gives

up, stands to stretch, staggers to her tiny kitchen, makes weak cocoa

in a white China cup, opens wider her dry eyes then sits at her laptop

to wander, ignores the sweet possibility of mystery of wonder and she

wastes herself again.

the rain saturates everything now, trees shoes ambitions memory, like

a strange illness, like greed or gluttony or righteousness, and the sallow

man in a dark coat, hatless, no sleep for days, coughs and stares straight

through my front door screen as if it were not there, as if he were not lost.

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