Saturday, December 12, 2009


The red haired burlesque queen is my new neighbor,
yes, she has six or seven cats and wears weird
Turkish hats

but oh god I do love how she wiggles and waves the freedom flag of her half hidden bod,
her undraped silky curvaceous skin while waiting on top of our stoop at day’s rain slicked rear end for her lucky son of a bitch short stub of a hubby,

that quiet bald runt drives a lifted black truck and
gets a testosterone boost, but I betcha’ not much or
enough, while she drives me nuttier than nuts with
the pluck and the suck of those cute fluffy pink lips,

they’re plumper by far than that simpering movie star
Angelina Jolie.

Please don’t tell him with no hair how his wife’s white
swervy flesh and twirling wild teats over there (and there too)
dizzy me crazy and dazed, I feel drunker than a brand new
unfrocked uncelibate monk enthralled and in tune with
the sweet smiling sliver of a lusty red moon,

to tell ya’ the truth, I tell the boys at the shop she has Catholic
school beat, when I gawk and gaze at her unclothed complete
my faith grows by bounds and gigantic leaps, SHE is such a
god damn treat, an answer to pubescent prayers, yes the new gal
upstairs could quickly become, praise the lord one floor up above
(and take out your gum),

let’s just enter her lair, unlock the back door
of Miss Rubescent Love, my fan dangling
big hearted bare savior who's given my tickled
flesh and its' somersault mind one big
loving shove!

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