Sunday, October 20, 2024

 After Contemplating An Essay On Wilderness

Sometimes wildness must
Appear from an unknown
Cave as a whisper
From the Friend, a soft flutter
Of butterfly wings, a quickening impulse
To do good or harm, even
This minuscule spider
Skittering across pages
Of your journal—that touchstone
Of untamed truths—the creature
Surprising you in its sudden
Emergence as you open the book,
Prompting you
To abandon the bowl brimming
With blue-berried granola,
Standing up now
You ferry this oscillating speck
Of wildness outside
To a patient pot of crimson
Geraniums shimmering
Like rubies
In morning’s given light.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Drama Queen Stomp-Out

Mirabelle emits a guttural screech,

blasts her left boot

into a rusted can of paint,
this mundane doorstop topples

like Sadam Hussein 

spreading an oily sheen
flooding green as April hillsides

now jitterbugging 
across the dance class 

floor while Miss Merkle
retrieves her wire-rimmed glasses

waving brisk farewell 
from her miffed middle finger
to her beloved 

kooky student,
this shooting star-pupil

Of chaotic 


All night long
A spy’s moon


In secret
From afar 

Onto my home


On this ragged 

And when I awoke
She whispered 

Her gift

That bathed 
Me in silver

Warmed me
In silence

So precious

Where everything 
That happens-

Desired and not-

Is woven together 

And somehow 
Makes sense. 

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

trace of snow on stone

scent of mist on grass

taste of sleet on dust

drum of rain on rock

heat of light on face

breath of sea on hair

ghost of her in heart..

Monday, September 11, 2023


Smell of rain

On stone…

Sound of wren

On leaf…

Feel of floor

On bone…

Sight of him

In grief…

Taste of yeast

In bread…

Touch of her

On face…

Warmth of hand

On head…

Here and now

In place…

Stable, grounded


Monday, August 28, 2023



To be fully

At home

In one’s animal

Body where comfort

And peace wash

All unease away

Rainfall’s caress

Descends smiling

From this all-knowing 


Nourished by bobcat

Boulder starlight 

And tree. 

Sunday, August 13, 2023