Tuesday, June 2, 2020

On the day after being pummeled 
By chaos and sorrows’ rags
In the town of antique shops,
Used clothing and book stores,
Coffee shops and cafes where
Neighbors chat in Springtime sun
And where my office has stood
Nearly three decades,
Where my parents lived happily
Until their deaths, the town
Where both sisters now live,
My building bereft, boarded up, in front
The Mexican restaurant with 
America’s biggest best tortas
In ruins, and the bank two blocks
Away where I was last inside
The day I withdrew my deceased
Girlfriend’s savings to share
With her brothers now shattered,
Steel beams twisted like pipe
Cleaners, collapsed and burned 
To the ground, on this Monday after
Such rage and violation and inconceivable 
Earthquaking of the social fabric,
I sit half-listening to Bill Evans creating
Jazz magic on piano in his ‘Peace Piece’ 
And half-smile wearily after sending 
Messages for change to mayors,
Chiefs of police, family and friends; yet underneath This fatigue there’s hope for 
Our common resurrection towards a more
Inclusive justice as the lily dormant
For months on the back patio
Begins its journey flowering 
After winter, peering up warily from damp 
Soil to lean with us all
Into life’s courageous
Flourishing again. 

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