Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Predicament’s Path, Perhaps

is our footing
solid, we ask
the emptiness
considering next
steps or not, onto ground
as yet untrod, here
tentative un-
knowing over
rare space un-
seen invasions, we
are so vulnerable
to breathe, to turn
off tv news often
hoping green
in this distance
a meadow
these purple
wildflowers, trill
of birdsong overhead,
scampering children,
perhaps that kayak carried
solo towards
a round lake
are not only
a solid collage 
receding, not only
our mirage again perhaps
can you hear within
this eerie quiet
twigs crackling underfoot
as each small step is
boldly taken, smell the scent
of mosses greenly brimming,
feel Springtime’s hum perhaps
of twin hearts surely beating?

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