Soon, Winter
The gray sea gleams
strangely, it is tired tonight, tired of lies told
in air so cold and quiet underneath
a surly pair of birches, trees that
stand as still as old arthritic
monks, these unholy crusted obfuscators,
more despised than
inspiring, lurking scoundrels who swear and steer
the Curonian Spit’s single
ferry like failed businessmen across a murky span
of saltwater to nearby Klaipede
where time is more a snail than earthworm
or sleekish snake, and
you, my dear, squirm warily with silver spoon well
in hand, as hot beetroot
soup in a porcelain bowl stares at your languid,
beery eyes.
Oh, how these brownish
oval orbs but record and report the rigid facts before conspiring to rightly
seal their partnered fate and shut tightly against
the metallic Baltic’s frigid, encroaching tide!
the metallic Baltic’s frigid, encroaching tide!
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