Wednesday, July 23, 2014

I AM,satisfied


rain falls
on roofs

I am sure,

traffic moves
and purrs

down the
nearby street.

war rages
in too many
places now,

burns children
and old men,

even crashes
into hospitals,

seems never-ending.

Still, sitting
here alone

on a brown sofa

in morning light--


'tis pleasing

'tis pleasing
 to close

one's eyes
often, resting

in a lazy

of the mind.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

'Re-membering A Return'

Ocean shimmers out

beyond the buoys.

Daylight bends back
towards tomorrow.
Maybe rain will really fall
here one day in this town
of deserts and shoppers
blinded by the unrelenting
and then you might
return with a bracelet
of opulent green jade
on your right wrist
and a basket
of surprise,
wet and spiced
on your tan
pungent back.
Then the ocean’s shimmering
will make sense again. Then hope
shall rise like a dancer drunk
from joy and sparkling wine,
her red dress glowing hot
at a raucous gypsy wedding.
And the New Orleans' funeral marchers
swagger single file down Bourbon Street
towards the broad muddy river
on a bright day glimmering;
they grin together in wondrous
cacophony with father death,
they are soaked in salt
and swelter.
Their music has never been
so plaintive,

so like a human animal,

Tuesday, July 8, 2014



He stole the angular tan rock

shaped like a miniature Alamo

from the nearby mountain.


It languishes, this kind

patriarch, with arms

that spread  above

the surprising lake


in this parched and thirsty

micro-climate close to

the Mexican border.


Transports it to his suburban home

in the aging green Subaru Forester,

plunks it outside in the dirt


of the narrow rectangular back yard

where it now shares morning’s gold

gleam and glint of sunlight


 with the blue, red and seafoam

fading seahorse painting,


 a true fish out of water,


this his signature work, his pride and joy

pilfered straight from his happiest dream


of a shared picnic table, cerulean skies,

greenest grass and flying ocean creatures

more than twenty years’ ago.


He awakened, wrapped

in pure laughter, the dream


and he thick as blundering

thieves, that fine bright day.


Yes, plunder does have

its own rewards.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Halfway Up the Canyon (October 1977)

The stranger and I sit in

a haunting stillness. We


are weary and alert here,


held within the immense

womb of the Grand Canyon.


Today I hiked halfway up

from the river at its bottom


where I camped last night

after a long day of hot

steep descent.


In the spreading purplish

inky light of dusk


from high above us,

immense explosions


burst through this quiet,

and echo through miles


of empty space to pierce

the early evening.


Two male bighorn sheep

face to face on the narrow


cliff crash their essential

weapons, curving horns


of thick animal bone

into one another,



great gods fighting for life

and the beguiling goddess


as she awaits the victor

in a nearby cave.


Astonished and entranced

we reverently welcome

such a miracle of the wild


when suddenly a wind

from nowhere crashes


down these majestic cliffs

onto our amazed and

weary bodies,


blows off the stranger’s

wide brimmed hat,


and sends it fast and far

into the darkening night


and the canyon’s open-

armed endlessness,


where our unseen futures,

hidden in plain sight,


await with wryly gracious,

knowing smiles.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Runner's Song

Feet plod and pound
the hot gravel trail,
streams of sweat drip
down my face,
breath deepens to keep
up an unforgiving pace,
as thoughts  of quitting
pierce and slow my mind.
One step after another
keeps me moving steady
through the thick, awful
heat. Tired and weak I stay
quite present with cheerful
grins chosen at the ready,
in quiet thanks to myself
immersed in this heady
joy of running, once again
I’ve outraced such tempting
limits, to now rest easy
as I transcend defeat.