“I am mostly honored to meet most
of you in this grand hall today
which I've been told by our host
is Tuesday
(or is it the weekend?)
over our steaming bright
bowls of thick requisite stew.
The train on the tracks which shall
interrupt my speech as I lurch
and loiter through phrases and stages,
with its tin whistles
and wails and whines,
flies like a bullet towards
that city up north where we’d
all rather be living sometime.
This burg we call home
is plebian and plain,
yes one could safely say
it’s boringly mundane,
yet our crime reports bring
a certain luster and cachet
and that new jail downtown,
well, hey!....
So, let me conclude my ramble
and rhetoric with this bit
from a proud civic forefather:
‘a pig in the poke and some
good dope to smoke,
a friend or two and a frig
full of food make a life
worth its weight in tomatoes.’ "
Anonymous (Timeless)
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