Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hunger's End

myriad doors of uncertain dimensions
opened in dream after dream.

a rogue dervish stands
and twirls at the strange
waits forever
for his or her god.

invite the masters, the morons,
blessed mundane buddhas,
mean spirited and midgets,
may all dine at the feast
of true life!

one trembling brave hand
grips a burnished door knob,
turns it twice, twists once
to enter and taste
(not desist)
deep pleasure
of being
right here.

stroll with grace
eyes eager so open
into the laughing
festive great hall,
sing and sup,
dance lascivious
‘til dawn cracks
its first lusty full
throated yawn.

later, haystacks
of piled up celebrants
well sated,
doze deep
the green day,
idle and snooze
as one creature,
are replenished
ready composed
for the tumult
and throes
of next eve’s
nourishing thrills,
love’s wild
full fray.

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