Thursday, December 25, 2008


Body, I want to hear you
without judgement or flight
into the opiate paste of DISTRACTION
of which there are ten thousand
darting delusional paths,
I do certainly think.

Body, I do not know how
to quiet my spinning mind
for very long
and hence the old sad stories,
worn-out yet potent,
once real as paste,
salty, viscous and white,
smelling of school children's
curious stubby fingers,
stiffen my spirit and separate
me and these cracked suitcases
of thought from you
and your wisdom,
dear old flesh and bone
held together by time's odd habits,
and the basic persistence of biological fact.

Body, may I love you simply today
with an attentive gaze
and focused sense
of fellow feeling
like an easy wind wafting
through dreamy birches
in thick stands
of ivory bark trees
next to the moist
sandy shore
on a cool lake
of welcoming.

As you dear body
converse with me
from cellular depths
of saintly patience
in slanted nuance
or searing noise
of your mysterious needs
about all that is felt
with your beautiful knowing,
your ten fingers blazing
as rainbows of light,
stretched up and out
into a seascape of sky,
I begin to allow
the sweetness of sensing
from down in my marrow
to penetrate this frantic brain
becoming slowly permeable
in its square stubborn envelope.

As an April robin
alights on fresh green grass
to feed from the earth
in Spring's golden warmth,
I, with felt certain respect
and not just
a bit of surprise,
enjoy the delight
of sudden coming to rest
in comforting oneness
without even trying!

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