Wednesday, October 28, 2020


Joy lives here.

On a small hearth made of wood

And stone and time.

An alert ivory seahorse rests

On a black pedestal in the living

Room, a presence calm and lasting.

Above him, an ocean wave forever

Breaking onto a pebbled shore

And two neon hummingbirds exulting

In the company of a fat moon

And that bursting litany of stars….

Sunday, October 18, 2020



The man’s body is tanned, taut and

Erect against the face of the cliff.


This cliff that lifts itself up and out

Past a shining moon.


Fingertips and toes scraped raw

Search for tiny outcrops of rock

To assist the ascent.


A conversation only they

Can hear between Stone and

Man ensues. He is agile:


Chest rests on her granite,

Infinities of space at his back,

Thoughts like light, unified

Simply precise on this



She : unforgivingly real, loves

His heart so close, a silence

Near dusk and as vast, washed

Chestnut brown.

After hours of grueling argument

Here on this blade of knife, the edge

Of life, they melt, dissolve into

Agreement that all is


Fragile, everything

Erodes, our dreams

Do sing, and


Every singer is ascending.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

   While Loving 

Your feet are my pillow

Your hands, my bedspread 

Your voice, my sun

This resting in silence, our

Moonlight on water....