Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Hummingbird is a tiny muscle

of desire in love with her single

twig. This twig that every

morning patiently awaits

her frequent returns and

tolerates with the equanimity

only a tree can muster

her unpredictable, peripatetic

departures. Fluttering creature

steadfast perch, a haiku

of simple partnership. 

Sunday, September 13, 2020


       Ardent Altar


The day you decided to live

Close to extravagance


And follow your heart’s

Reckless leaping into love’s


Ardent arroyo, that day

Your bare feet made an altar

On the bedroom carpet, yes


That day suddenly the smoke

Began to clear as the fire,


Contained and uncontained,

Moved far inside your life,


Became your very breath.


The false self so damn obdurate,

Not only shows up at its own funeral,

      (alone, always alone)

But sits arms folded across a stony chest

Grinding teeth into clench-jawed

Memories of all those ill-gotten winnings,

those sneers, that turning away from Life,

Readied to toss the first shovelful 

Of dirt onto its descending casket

As it drools decades of spittle

Laced with unfelt regret

Onto grassy ground.