Friday, April 13, 2018

her armpits 

twin earths,

holy lands,

dear sisters of quiet

reading library books
underneath a dark 

in hungry times
this pilgrim's tongue 

returns like a thief
night after night

to linger in fields
of dank tobacco

of jasmine blooming,

as your sweet lips
wordlessly move

in secret, together..

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Armpit Poem

twin earths,

holy lands, in hungry

your pilgrim's lips

and tongue 

return night
after night,

dear sisters
of quiet,

to linger and taste
in fields

of dank tobacco

of jasmine


Monday, April 9, 2018


twin earths

hidden holy
lands, in hungry

your pilgrim's lips
and tongue 

return night
after night

to linger in fields
of dank tobacco
and jasmine

in secret,


Sunday, April 8, 2018


twin earths

hidden holy
lands, in hungry

your pilgrim
returns to night
after night.

dank tobacco
and jasmine

in secret,

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Baltic Sea
in deep November
shimmers like a stone
I remember perched
atop the wobbly
cherry dresser
next to a knob-less
chipped credenza
of my boyhood
home years
before I stepped
to roam.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

The Baltic Sea
in deep November
shimmers like a stone
I remember
atop the wobbly
cherry dresser
of my boyhood

Easter Meditation

We are always home
We are always lost
We all vanish into the vast unforeseen
Beyond the lofted stars
Beneath the crusted earth
Before the simpled words
Between all and each
We all wonder
We all worry
We all wander
We are always home
We are always lost
Into that vast unforeseen we all vanish
Beneath the crusted earth
Beyond the lofted stars
Before the simpled words
From mystery unrecalled we all arrived
Out of all into each
Slimy crying bedazzled longing found
And may again arrive to leave and arrive again
Within silence within sound
Bound binding
Becoming unbound