Tuesday, May 20, 2014

'An Argument for Silence'


Could it be that the most truly
vital parts of life cannot be put

into words rightly?


Neither writing nor talk,

no matter how eloquent
or poetic might not be
adequate to the task.


That waterfall up ahead through

the tall pungent pines in all its

sprawl and plunging froth, its


strident wild roar, nature's
wet and freshest dancer, is

not the waterfall itself.

Ask it who it is.
Listen for the answer.

The finger pointing at the moon

is not the crescent moon, nor
the precious single finger,

and that’s the point,

or is it?

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Yesterday, I trimmed the bushes
in my front yard. They’d grown
gangly, odd angled,
and yes, a bit forlorn.
Today, I look out the window,
pleased by their newfound
shapeliness, this green easy
growth, the way their
leafiness greets
the morning sun and I
thank myself
for doing so.
Now, I type these few words
onto a blank reflecting screen,
wondering back and forth,
tomorrow, who knows,
(do you?)
what might
or not,


Tired feet meet solid
rock-strewn ground,


thick shrubs obscure

blue sky,

rhythmic breath carries
you slow





a map-less path beckons ahead.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


In mysterious tunnels

underneath the slabbed

concrete of Los Angeles


shaggy black and sleek

tan cougars roam

and slink single file


over boulders through

a moist semi-darkness,


carry their sleeping young

close and carefully


next to graceful  muscled



These silent creatures

with penetrating eyes


like golden bonfires avoid humans

in the upstairs world bleached

by bright sunlight and gray

hazy smog.


Above, people scatter

and scurry like ants

on packed freeways,


trudge along straight

narrow sidewalks

like drudges and huddle


together as fearful refugees

on roaring commuter

trains where eyes glazed


by smartphone screens

blind them to see who is



all the while unaware

of this silent animal


presence breathing

and glistening,


ever breathing,

ever listening,


beneath their hurried

fevered lives.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Springtime in Spring Valley (for David and Soleil)

tiny red succulent seeds burst open 
with tart and tempting juice

onto a thick carpet
of soft green grass,

while the braided grapevine births
its promise of summer fruit

as the laughing couple
surrounded by smiling

now refreshed and enlivened
by their Italian adventure

spring forth into a life
of joy and sweet


(Cinco de Mayo 2014)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Silence calls,
whispers 'come home Peter,

you miss you and words
get in the way
of the Way.

Be how rivers run
and breezes blow,

such times simply
breathe here,

flow nowhere, always

moving, standing


Thursday, May 1, 2014

'the bully and me'

A big bully bopped my ballooning belly,
I yelled and smeared his ghoulish goon's
face with sticky gobs of gooseberry jelly.
                   Things settled down for a bit and after
a quick nap on the city park's thick grass,
we stretch and yap, decide to skip quite
fast down the broad boulevard where

in a couple of blocks we order up a sweet
side of slaw heaped next to tasty pastrami
                   on rye at the cute little deli with a bright
                 yellow door where men with cigars and

gold pinky rings wile away their dark
hours with cream sodas and kraut, they
boast and shout like thieves in the night,

while the bully and me now the best of
buddies split a sumptuous slice of creamy
                   cheesecake and one apple tart, then in
                   unison belch and with no further ado,
                   over-tip Flo the short waitress from Queens
                   so gratefully.